16 Reasons to Attend SOLIDWORKS World 2018 #SWW18
16 Reasons to Attend SOLIDWORKS World 2018 #SWW18
With SOLIDWORKS World just a few weeks away and if you are looking for a reason to justify to your company why you should attend SOLIDWORKS World this year, the team at Computer Aided Technology and InFlow are giving you 16 quality reasons to attend. The Technical Teams from CATI and InFlow have 16 different presentations this year.
If you are not familiar with SOLIDWORKS World it is SOLIDWORKS annual 3 day conference that you can join more than 5,000 of your peers and select from more than 200 breakout sessions on topics ranging from Design Automation and Electrical Design to Simulation and Product Data Management. SOLIDWORKS World this year is in Los Angeles, California and runs from February 5th to February 8th. To learn more about or register for SOLIDWORKS World go to https://www.solidworks.com/sww/
Computer Aided Technology and InFlow Presentations
Monday February, 5th
- Admin Image Basics – 10:30am-12:00pm – Room 403A, Bryan Pawlak
Session Description: This session will take a look at how easy it is to create, configure, and deploy a SOLIDWORKS® admin image. It highlights changes that streamline the installation of all SOLIDWORKS products including, PDM, Composer, Plastics, Electrical, and CAM. It will also look at the enhancements in the 2018 process.
- Designing in SOLIDWORKS for 3D Printing – 10:30am-12:00pm – Room 515a, Judy Marlo and Matthew Fetke
Session Description: With the increased use of 3D printers, SOLIDWORK designers take their 3D SOLIDWORKS designs and create 3D printed parts. This session will help attendees optimize STL translation settings and designing best practices. They will learn to design parts in SOLIDWORKS for the best quality 3D printed parts.
- Coping with Non-SOLIDWORKS Users’ Data – 1:30-2:30pm – Room 408a, Brandon Nelms
Session Description: Do you rely on CAD data from other users who refuse to acknowledge the awesomeness that is SOLIDWORKS?!? If you deal with ‘other’ CAD data, this session will walk you through strategies that help you rocket forward with your design without being slowed down by the CAD choice of outside users.
- 5-1/2 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do with PDM and BOMs – 1:30-2:30pm – Room 408b, Jeff Sweeney
Session Description: This session will explore the many different capabilities within the BOMs of SOLIDWORKS® PDM. Users and administrators of SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard and Professional will learn little tricks to make documenting their BOMs faster and more efficient than ever before.
- SOLIDWORKS Redneck Workarounds – Creative Solutions to Everyday Problems– 4:30-5:30pm – Room 152, Josh Altergott and Adrian Fanjoy
Session Description: Did you know that your day-to-day modeling tasks may be wrought with unnecessary steps that waste your precious time and money? This session will provide attendees with some inventive and unique techniques that will inspire them to think more creatively and inventively to solve daily design issues.
- Hands-On Introduction to SOLIDWORKS Mold Tools – 4:30pm-5:30pm – Room 403B, Randy Simmons and Justin Maxwell
Session Description: Do you need the ability to create Cores & Cavities for your parts? Are you creating these using the heavily automated Mold Tools that SOLIDWORKS provides? This session will give you hands-on experience in what SOLIDWORKS can do to help you in the world of Mold/Core/Cavity creation.
Tuesday February, 6th
- Achieving Extreme SOLIDWORKS Performance: Modeling Methodology – 10:30am-12:00pm – Room 151, Bryan Pawlak and Jordan Puentes
Session Description: This session will present a case study in which part and assembly modeling techniques went wrong. Using standard SOLIDWORKS tools, attendees will discover the issues and how to correct them. With a set of production files, this session will show the mistakes and how to resolve them to increase performance.
- SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Dispatch: Practical Uses for this Powerful Tool – 10:30am-12:00pm – Room 408B, Justin Webster
Session Description: This session will show how SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Dispatch is not just for advanced PDM administrators. This powerful macro tool can be used for simple automation and to complement existing PDM workflow functionality. Attendees will get a review of the SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Dispatch macro language and see examples of practical uses of the tool.
- Making the Quantum Leap from SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard to Professional – 1:30-2:30pm – Room 402B, Jeff Barker
Session Description: This session will briefly explain the differences between SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard and SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional and the process for making the switch.
- Turn SOLIDWORKS into Your Kinematic Whiteboard – 2:45-3:45pm – Room 409B, Brandon Nelms
Session Description: Moving linkages are a staple of Mechanical Design and they always seem to start on a whiteboard (or napkin). But whiteboards don’t move! Learn to leverage SOLIDWORKS Kinematic 2D sketching to accelerate design concepts, gain useful insight, and turn that whiteboard into a 3D design in no time!
- DriveWorksXpress Essentials Hands-On Lab – 4:30pm-5:30pm – Room 404B, Ryan Dally
Session Description: This hands-on session will prepare attendees to automate their designs using DriveWorks Xpress, which is included with every seat of SOLIDWORKS. Topics include: planning for automation, leveraging existing models, and growing automation.
Wednesday February, 7th
- Eliminate the Guesswork: Take Advantage of SOLIDWORKS Costing – 10:30am-12:00pm – Room 408A, Don Glaske
Session Description: This session demonstrates how to eliminate the guesswork from designs by taking advantage of SOLIDWORKS Costing. Attendees will learn how to bring projects in under budget and create more accurate quotes for a part before it is manufactured.
- Free and Powerful SOLIDWORKS Xpress Tools – 10:30am-12:00pm – Room 411, Justin Maxwell and Judy Marlo
Session Description: This session demonstrates the SOLIDWORKS Xpress Tools. It provides an informative look into tools all SOLIDWORKS users have. Xpress tools are lightweight versions of the larger tool. There are four utilities: are DriveWorksXpress, DFMXpress, SimulationXpress, and FloXpress.
- How to Build and Maintain Effective Design Tables – 1:30-2:30pm – Room 403A, Josh Altergott
Session Description: This session is updated version of a presentation from previous SOLIDWORKS Worlds that will cover all aspects of Design Tables—from the optimal setup of parts and assemblies in SOLIDWORKS, to how to utilize the tools in SOLIDWORKS and Excel, and to help automating the design process of creating configurations.
- Hands-On Introduction to Routing (Piping and Tubing) – 1:30-2:30pm – Room 403B, Randy Simmons and Justin Maxwell
Session Description: Have you heard about SOLIDWORKS Routing/Piping capabilities but never used them? This session will give attendees hands-on exposure to what SOLIDWORKS can do to help in the world of Tubing, Conduit, and Piping applications. PRE-REQ: 3D Sketching, Configs, Top-Down Assembly Design, Design Library
- DraftSight Essentials: DraftSight for the AutoCAD User– 2:45-3:45pm – Room 411, Don Glaske
Session Description: This session will demonstrate the many benefits and gentle learning curve when transitioning and using DraftSight versus AutoCAD.
And a bonus presentation from one of Computer Aided Technology’s customers.
Monday February, 5th
- Zen and the Art of SOLIDWORKS Surfacing – 10:30am-12:0045pm – Room 515B, Andrew Lowe, DiMonte Group
Session Description: Do rough surfaces have you on edge? Got a kink in your spline? Zen out and come to really understand how SOLIDWORKS® surfacing works. Using advanced techniques of the presenter, this session will demonstrate surface modeling workflows that will allow attendees to quickly and easily create the most challenging shapes.
We hope to see you at SOLIDWORKS World 2018
Josh Altergott
Senior Support Manager