3DQuickPress Version 6.1.3 Hotfix

With the new 3DQuickPress V6.1.3, Hotfix releases are Customer driven Enhancements because we understand the importance to customize the 3DQuickPress process or the features to meet Customer needs

  • This Hotfix will update 3DQuickPress V6.0.4 to V6.1.3, or install 3DQuickPress V6.0.4 installation version and apply this patch.
  • This Hotfix will run on SOLIDWORKS 2016 SP1.0 and newer.
  • This Hotfix is also Windows 10 supported.


        3DQuickPress is always working on improving the user experience, with the new online V6 seat registration the user will find faster response with registration and un-registration of machines. If you still have issues or need help understanding the process you can always call our support line.

Enhancement – Activation system robustness is enhanced.


Enhancement – 3DQuickPress auto recognizes features as the unfolding process is invoked, now the user can switch any feature by right click on the unfold feature and switch it to User Defined Feature.


Strip Layout:

Fixed – Piercing feature profile is fixed.

Fixed – Display of Restrike feature is fixed.

Fixed – Split bend feature is fixed.

Fixed – Force vector calculation for bend feature is fixed.


New – New function added for adding heel feature to cutting punch.


 1. A heel feature can be created on the cutting punch bottom by selecting an edge to the Create Heel function.


New New function added for adding circular shoulders for round cutting punch.


        1. A round shoulder can be added to the top of a cutting punch by selecting the top face of the cutting punch to the Create Circular Shoulder function. A Chamfer at the bottom of the shoulder can be added by specifying the chamfer angle.


New New function added for creating insert component on a die plate.


        1. An insert component can be created with the Create Insert function, users have to select the die plate which the insert will be located, and then select the insert area.


    2. Then, users have to input the Width and Length of the insert, or adjust the offset from the 4 sides of the selected insert area.


        3. Finally, users have to specify the corner option of the insert and the depth of the insert on the die plate.



Standard Components:

Enhancement – A "TP" configuration file property is added for screw type standard component to define the thread pitch.


*After running the Hotfix V6.1.3 the 3DQP DieSet Design toolbar should look like the screen shot below after being replaced, if it doesn't we may need to replace your UI to complete the new installation.



Thanks and I hope you enjoy all of the new enhancements to 3DQuickPress V6.1.3, files can be found on our ftp site and please check back to view our other articles in this series of 3DQuickPress V6 What's New.

Ronnie C. Flaugh

Technical Analyst

Strategic Technology Solutions

Computer Aided Technology

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