2D drawings are not flat... if you use SOLIDWORKS MBD. Get started with these resources.

Ever stop to consider what is going on when you make a 2D drawing of a 3D part in CAD and then go on to manufacture it? You make a 3D object into a 2D object so that you can make it back into a 3D object. Your 3D CAD part is ‘flattened’ into a 2D drawing, which is then used to manufacture a 3D part. 3D -> 2D -> 3D. This process is handy for when you need to transport your kayak, but can’t we eliminate the 2D (drawing) step when going from 3D CAD to manufacturing the part? With SOLIDWORKS MBD you can.

, 2D drawings are not flat… if you use SOLIDWORKS MBD. Get started with these resources.

SOLIDWORKS MBD (Model-Based Definition) is an integrated, drawingless manufacturing solution for SOLIDWORKS. It helps define, organize and publish 3D Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) in industry-standard file formats. Instead of using 2D drawings (flat) to communicate with manufacturing, it guides the manufacturing process directly in 3D (not flat). Instead of detailing the CAD model in a 2D drawing, the details are collected and recorded directly on the 3D CAD model. This eliminates the 2D drawing file. The detailing (dimensions, GD&T, notes) are then published to either a 3D PDF or to eDrawings (free viewer). Click here to download an example of a 3D PDF. (Example obtained from this SOLIDWORKS blog entry)

Sweet. Does this mean that we can get rid of paper too? (i.e. go paperless?) Whoa there, friend. One step at a time. It means that you could eventually go paperless, but the thing about paper is that it’s so darn handy if you work in a remote location, have gloves on or work in an environment that is unfriendly to a computer. The fact is, there are many things to consider before implementing MBD at your company.

Lucky for us, Oboe Wu, Product Portfolio Manager of SOLIDWORKS MBD has given us a lot of insight into what it’s going to take via the numerous blogs he’s written on the topic. As a handy reference, I’ve collected his list of “10 DOs and DONTs in MBD Implementation” below and provided the links to the respective blogs. If you are working to implement MBD, these blogs will provide a great deal of insight for what to expect, how to prepare, and some examples of how others are utilizing MBD. Also, there is training on MBD via MySOLIDWORKS.com and a live training class (contact your VAR).

                10 Dos and DONTs in MBD Implementation
1 Drive from top down Don’t hesitate
2 Establish a core implementation team Don’t take too big a bite at first
3 Motivate all involved Don’t be confined to the Design department alone
4 Measure progress Don’t rely on 2D drawings as the master anymore
5 Automate Workflows Don’t send only 3D PDFs to the supply chain
6 Update infrastructure Don’t overlook MBD over the web
7 Pilot with 1 manufacturing document Don’t skip calling out critical to function 3D PMI
8 Organize and present 3D PMI clearly Don’t stop at graphical 3D PMI
9 Customize and standardize templates Don’t exclude printouts
10 Validate models, PMI and derivatives Don’t be limited by rudimentary 3D PDF


 For even more blog articles on MBD, check out the links below:

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