Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG)
This past Monday I returned from the Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) conference. Once again we set attendance (both overall and first time attendee), sponsorship and exhibition records.
For those of you that do not know, The Additive Manufacturing Users Group's origins date back to the early 1990s when the founding industry users group was called 3D Systems North American Stereolithography Users Group, a user group solely focused on the advancement of stereolithography (SL) use with the owners and operators of 3D Systems' equipment. Today, AMUG educates and supports users of all additive manufacturing technologies.
With AMUG's expanded range, operators/owners of any commercial technology — stereolithography, selective laser sintering, 3D printing, DMD, DMLS, FDM, LS, SL, SLM, PolyJet, and more * — can benefit from the information exchange and professional network that AMUG offers. Follow this link to view the AMUG website for further information.
CATI was a platinum sponsor at this year's conference. As a platinum sponsor, we were able to conduct a four part session workshop titled "Leveraging 3D Technology in the Product Development Lifecycle". First, we scanned a legacy part, then reverse engineered the part in SolidWorks. Next, we 3D printed the part for design verification. Followed by 3D printing an injection mold from the new design. Topped off by injecting delrin, completing the new product development lifecycle.
On a personal note, I was pleased to see our St. Louis application engineer and friend Mark Abshire receive the president's award. The president's award is the highest award presented to an individual for their dedication and service to the additive manufacturing community and AMUG. Congratulations Mark!!
Below you'll see some pictures from the conference.
President award winner Mark Abshire
CATI Platinum Sponsor autographed by
FDM innovator Scott Crump and Stereolithography innovator Chuck Hull
Bob McGaughey conducting our workshop
Soluble core molding layup workshop
Dominick Damato casting metal in the "foundry in a box" workshop
3D printed mold loaded in press
Injection molded part and 3D printed mold
Owen Lu hydro printing parts
3D printed head from the new Stratasys J750 full color printer
Derek Ellis
Application Engineer
Computer Aided Technology LLC