Interesting takeaways from SOLIDWORKS World 2019
Many of you got out to SWW 2019, many more didn’t have the chance to go. Here are a few things you might find interesting.
SOLIDWORKS 2020 enhancements:
Torsion control in splines:
- Users can now add G3 continuity or a constant rate of curvature constraint to splines in a sketch
Section View Normal to Screen:
- Users can now create a Section View normal to the screen
- Outside of the command, the Section View updates with the rotation of the model but is not affected by zooming
- Section View depth is controlled with the mouse scroll wheel and CTRL key
Propagate Envelope Components to sub-assemblies:
- Users can now select components of multiple sub-assemblies as envelope references in specific sub-assemblies
Mass Proprieties in SOLIDWORKS Routing:
- Properties for wires, cables, and coverings can now include a mass per unit length property which provide accurate, real-time mass property updating
Flexible Parts:
- Parts can now be made Flexible in an assembly.
- Flexible Parts update automatically as their references change.
- Multiple instances of the same part handled without configurations, equations, or separate files.
Detailing Mode for Drawings:
- New option to open your largest, multi-sheet drawings in seconds
- Annotations, balloons, view creation, dimensions and tolerances are all available
- No separate files required
- Just hit save when finished; save as PDF and DWG available
Drawing Markups:
- Markups are now available in drawings using Windows touch-enabled devices
- Markups in Parts, Assemblies, and Drawings no longer require Windows touch-enabled devices
- Markups in Parts, Assemblies, and Drawings are now available in eDrawings
- SOLIDWORKS xShape is the 3D subdivision modeling tool on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform
- SOLIDWORKS xDesign is a browser-based 3D parametric modeling tool on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform
3DEXPERIENCE Platform Connector for SOLIDWORKS
- Allows seamless interoperability between SOLIDWORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE Platform apps
To see the entire event announcement and operation of the tools, use this video link to Day 2 event content:
Full event videos can be found here:
SOLIDWORKS also announced that they are acquiring the rest of the Trace Elecworks software and automation. This will give SOLIDWORKS Electrical a boost. They also are acquiring their employees which will help get more balance to the support side.
John Van Engen
Support Team Leader
Computer Aided Technology