SOLIDWORKS 2015 What’s New – Configurations Toolbar #SW2015
New to SOLIDWORKS 2015 is the Configurations Toolbar. The Configurations Toolbar is available in parts and assemblies and allows you to change configurations without changing tabs in the Feature Manager design tree or using the Specify Configurations dialog box.
The Configurations Toolbar can be displayed by going to Tools > Customize. On the Toolbars tab of the Customize dialog box, select Configurations.
The toolbar like other toolbars can be placed in the top ribbon of SOLIDWORKS like shown above. The Configurations toolbar can be detached from the top or bottom ribbon and places anywhere in the graphics area or on a second monitor, like in the images of the part and assembly shown below.
Thanks and I hope you enjoy all of the new enhancements to SOLIDWORKS 2015, please check back to view our other articles in this series of SOLIDWORKS What's New.
Josh Altergott
CATI Support Manager