Still Time to Register for the St. Louis and Kansas City Product Development Forum Events

Product Development ForumAre you in the Kansas City or St. Louis area? If so, don’t miss our Product Development Forum. We are down to the last two dates of the series. Our Product Development Forum is a unique event showcasing the tools you need to help take your product from concept to reality and improve your product development process. This year, to show our appreciation and say thank you to our clients, we have shifted the focus of the agenda to a set of lecture style training courses.

June 13th – Kansas City, MO
8:30am – 3:00pm
>>Register For This Event

June 14th – St. Louis, MO
8:30am – 3:00pm
>>Register For This Event

Agenda for both events

  • 30 Things You Definitely Missed In SOLIDWORKS Essentials Training
  • Choosing the Right PDM System For Your Business’ Needs: SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard vs.
  • SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional
  • SOLIDWORKS Design For 3D Printing
  • Leveraging 3D Scanning for Inspection and Quality Control
  • SOLIDWORKS Redneck Workarounds

Need help explaining to the boss why you want to attend the Product Development Forum? We’ve put together this justification letter to help you explain what it is important for you to attend this event. Just fill in the blanks with your information. >>Download the Justification Letter


We hope to see you there.


Jim TeDesco
Director, Marketing
Computer Aided Technology

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