Billy gave his life for PDM
On days I am in the office I help with technical support. Most typically the SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM questions are pushed to me. Yesterday I received this support email from Brandon that made me giggle, I thought I would share it with you.
JOURNAL Log 0375
The camp is dark; we lost our fire due to the storm three nights ago. I don’t know if we can take the cold much longer. We lost Billy. He left to gather food five nights ago. I fear the storm took his life as well. If you are reading this, then it means that PDMWorks has won. I can hear it closing in. It’s been eight and a half days since our last battle. We lost many, but the numbers remained on our side. Three nights prior to the storm we launched an attack. It was futile as the vault was impenetrable. Too many layers, too many rules. We pulled back to save the weak. We only have a few licenses. If we’d have had more, maybe we could have struck harder. A scout reported that the vault is mutating. There are now several versions. What could we do…
“The note ends with hurried writing. One can only assume the pen’s weilder was frantic to put his recollection of the “final days” on paper. For it is the only thing the vault can not control… paper.”
The other funny thing was that if you notice, he never actually asked a question! Turns out it was a question about user rights, and all is now good. I kinda feel bad for Billy though.