Columbus SWUGN Technical Summit
I was going to start this entry with “you missed a great summit”, but few of you actually did miss it. Yesterday’s technical summit had a great turnout, over 100 people were there! It was a good show. I thought the facilities were a bit small, most of the sessions had people standing in the back of the room. Even the standing people felt it was worth it.
This pic is of Richard Wand giving his weldment presentation. He continually turned his head every time I tried to take his picture. Finally I decided to just take the picture anyway.
The presentations were obviously great opportunities to learn, I picked up a few little tricks -but I enjoyed the opportunity to finally meet Dave Bartholomew – Northeast Ohio SOLIDWORKS User Group leader during lunch. He is one of those guys who everyone knows for the good that he does for the SOLIDWORKS community and it was nice to finally put a face with the name.
For those of you who saw Randy’s and my presentation, we were trying to decide if we should present it at SOLIDWORKS world. Since there weren’t any survey forms, what do you think?