SOLIDWORKS 2019 What’s New – PLASTICS – #SW2019
I’d like to begin by addressing expectation. This blog is intended to explain the enhancements made to SOLIDWORKS Plastics 2019. The actual features may contain some explanation but will not provide all the necessary explanation. For a more complete understanding of SOLIDWORKS Plastics, please consider taking one of our training courses. Our schedule can be found here:
In the past, boundary conditions could only be added to the meshed geometry of a part in SOLIDWORKS Plastics. For the 2019 version we can now apply boundary conditions (injection location, control valves, mesh controls, and mold wall temperature) directly to the geometry. Consequently, this enables users to assign these conditions before meshing the geometry. Due to this change, SOLIDWORKS enhanced the user interface as shown in the image below.
When right clicking on Mesh and Boundary Conditions in the Plastics 2019 version the follow options will become available (shown in pictures below).
SOLIDWORKS Plastics 2019 enables users with great control over the mesh. The mesh contains all previous functionality with the addition that users can now assign mesh controls to the geometry of the part. Let’s look at these new geometry-based boundary conditions in more detail.
Geometry-Based Mesh Control
This allows the user to apply mesh controls to faces, edges, or vertices. Note that users cannot apply mesh controls to bodies. Simply select the locations which need a more refined mesh and choose a mesh element size (see picture below).
Geometry-Based Mold Wall Temperature
Adding mold wall temperatures to the geometry functions similarly to adding mesh controls. However, only face selections are allowed and then a temperature value is chosen (see picture below).
If a mold wall temperature condition is not applied, then the wall temperature specified in the Fill Settings will be used in the study.
Geometry-Based Injection Location
The injection locations, when applied to the geometry, can only be added to faces or points (the type, point versus geometry face, will determine which selection you need). When applied to the face the injection location is applied to the geometric center (see picture below).
Geometry-Based Control Valve
Geometry-based control valves enable users to apply these valves to faces or planes if the user chooses to manually select the control valve. The automatic selection will look for intersecting surfaces to apply the valve (if any exist).
Clear Study
What if we made mistakes and need to start fresh? We now have the Clear Study feature in Plastics. Right click on the top of the study and select Clear Study to clean up the tree so that you get that fresh start that you want!
I hope this part of the What’s New series gives you a better understanding of the new features and functions of SOLIDWORKS 2019. Please check back to the CATI Blog as the CATI Application Engineers will continue to break down many of the new items in SOLIDWORKS 2019. All these articles will be stored in the category of “SOLIDWORKS What’s New.”
Matthew Fetke
Computer Aided Technology, LLC
Design Innovation Month – October 2018
What is DI MONTH?
CATI is declaring October Design Innovation MONTH. We’ve created a month-long series of events and activities around design innovation especially for our customers. Attend a SOLIDWORKS 2019 event, enter our rendering contest, and learn about some cool tips and tricks at the daily online events. Plan your month at