What's New with the MetraSCAN Black Elite

Creaform has just released the next generation of their large volume scanning solution, the MetraSCAN Black Elite. Here, we’ll cover some highlights of what has changed in this new and improved scanner.

Blue Lasers:

Upgrading from red to blue lasers, as well as a refined data filtering process, allows for even easier scanning of surfaces with no special preparation. Shiny and dark surfaces can now be captured with ease.

Dynamic Environmental Compensation:

Users of the previous generation of MetraSCAN are very familiar with the system warm up time involved in achieving a steady state during the measuring process. The new MetraSCAN utilizes a scale bar artefact to quickly and accurately account for environmental conditions affecting measurements, whereas before the system would collect that data directly from the environment and need to wait for a steady state reading. Now by directly measuring the effects of the environment on a known artefact instead of indirectly measuring the environment and calculating the effects, this process can be much faster.

, What’s New with the MetraSCAN Black Elite


Resolution has been improved 4x, from 100 microns to 25 microns, making even finer measurements possible.


Accuracy has improved from 30 microns to 25 microns.


Measurement rate is now 1.8 million measurements per second, making this the fastest device in the Creaform lineup

Auto Volume Extension:

Another great quality of life feature is the new Automatic Volume Extension. In the past, users would have to “leapfrog” manually across multiple reference frames of target clusters, one by one. Now, with the AVE, the CTrack can dynamically acquire your targeting setup as you move around your part, making establishing your reference volume much faster.

, What’s New with the MetraSCAN Black Elite

Overall, Creaform has made an already fantastic 3D Scanner even better with the MetraSCAN Black Elite. If you’re curious about how 3D scanning can aid your engineering processes, feel free to reach out to us at CATI.

Cullen Williams
Application Engineer
Computer Aided Technology, Inc. 

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