SolidWorks Enterprise PDM (EPDM): Update a Data Card List through the Data Card

It’s not uncommon to have lists inside of an EPDM data card that is continuously being updated and on most occasions the lists must be updated by either modifying as static text list or a list inside of the SQL database. Updating a data card list on the fly by standard EPDM users can be accomplished by using an SQL list that looks at information already in the EPDM vault, such as folder names or variable values. Here is an example of an EPDM template that will create a customer folder, assign a customer name variable and update the lists.

List sub-folders of a specific parent folder


Here is the SQL query that you can copy into your list;

Select Distinct P.Name

From Projects As P,ProjectTree As PT

Where P.ProjectID=

(Select PT.ChildProject where PT.ProjectID=

(Select distinct ProjectID from dbo.Projects where Name like ‘YourFolderName



List existing variable values


Here is the SQL query that you can copy into your list;

Select distinct V.ValueCache

From VariableValue V

Where V.VariableID = (select variableid from variable where Variablename like ‘YourVariable‘)

And V.ValueCache != ”

order by V.ValueCache


This is an EPDM template that will create a new customer folder and add a customer name to the folders data card.

The Folder Name list shows all of the existing folders.


The Customer Name list shows all of the current Customer Name variable values in the vault.


Since I am looking for the Fourth Customer by the name of Customer4, I can type it into the list box and the template will create that folder.


Now we see that the lists have updated to include Customer4 and their folder, Fourth Customer.


NOTE: Any file or folder that is only deleted from the vault will still have its value show up in the list. I file/folder must be completely destroyed so the SQL database no longer sees its variable value.

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