An Election Update - Enterprise PDM 2013 Brings 2 sides together

To demonstrate that Republicans and Democrats can work together, see the image below:


We can see files checked out by Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, in the same EPDM vault!

New in Enteprise PDM 2013, we can highlight over the “checked out by” name and an image will pop up.  The image contains relevant information for that user including a picture, website, phone number, and how many files they have checked out.  You will also find single click links to dial their number, send an email, or IM.  Once you are displaying the image, you can pin it so it will stay open while you contact them or even look at information for another user (or candidate in this case).

In addition to seeing the image, each user is in control of their Presence Note.  The Presence Note can be changed so others can see your status.  See image below:


From his Presence Note, we can tell what this user is currently doing…

So EPDM Administrators, get out your cameras.  You will now be able to take pics of your users and display them for all to see.  For users…now you have to be nice to your administrators.  Enjoy this new and quite handy feature.

By the way…neither Barack Obama or Mitt Romney are responsible for the contents of this message.

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