How to Install SolidWorks Client Connector for ENOVIA 3DEXPERIENCE 2014X
Two components are needed for SolidWorks integration to the ENOVIA 2014x environment namely, IEF (Integration Exchange Framework Client) and SW connector for client. These installs are located in: V6R2014x.AM_3DEXP_NativeApps.AllOS.1-11AM_3DEXP_NativeApps.AllOS1DEK-ConnectorforSolidWorkConnectorforSolidWorks.
Install Steps:
1. Install Java JRE (I use JDK7.51)
2. Install Integration Exchange Framework client x64. Ensure the correct URL path is entered for server.
3. Install Connector for Solidworks client x64. Enter the View path or accept default (defaults to C:ENOVIA)
4. To test, browse to windows explorer, double click on the ENOVIA icon and login.