Link PDM Properties to SolidWorks File properties



Using the variable mappings in PDMWorks Enterprise, users can link their PDMWorks Enterprise data card properties to the custom properties in SolidWorks.  Did you know you can also link the data card properties to SolidWorks file properties, such as filename, configuration name, sheet size, last saved date, etc.??  This is useful if you want to push file properties from SolidWorks into PDMWorks Enterprise.  For example, rename the part…automatically update the part number property on your data card.  Here is a screenshot that shows how the variable mapping should be configured:Variable_mappings_2

The block name should be $PRP and the Attribute Name should be equal to the file property name.  Below are some examples that can be mapped into SolidWorks parts, assemblies, and drawings.

(All SolidWorks File Types)

SW-File Name, SW-Folder Name, SW-Short Date, SW-Long Date, SW-Configuration Name,SW-Author, SW-Keywords, SW-Comments, SW-Title, SW-Subject, SW-Created Date, SWLast Saved Date, SW-Last Saved By


SW-Template Size, SW-Sheet Scale, SW-Sheet Format Size, SW-Current Sheet, SW-Total Sheets, SW-Sheet Name, SW-Active sheet paper width, SW-Active sheet Height, SWActive sheet paper size, SW-All Sheet Names, SW-Config-Model-View-Sheet-List


Assembly type, SW-MassProp-Config-0

NOTE: The above hidden $PRP properties are read-only.  If you want to map properties from the SolidWorks part or assembly into the drawing, check out an earlier blog.  Any questions…contact InFlow Technology.


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