Radical SOLIDWORKS Workarounds for Fillet, Draft, and Shell
For the August installment of our CATIpult webcast series, we are honored to have special guest presenter Ed Eaton, Sr. Industrial Designer with DiMonte Group. Ed is well known in the SOLIDWORKS community and has contributed presentations for SOLIDWORKS World.
August 11, 2011
Radical Workarounds for Fillet, Draft, and Shell
Shell, Draft, and Fillet are entirely reliant on the faces of the model they are applied to. This presentation discusses how these applied features actually 'think' and why they sometimes deliver surprising results (or no results at all). We will discuss how models can be re-structured to improve the success of these applied features and deliver predictable results. When that is not possible, we'll discuss extreme tactics that can always be used to beat those applied features into submission to get the model we need.
Learn more about DiMonte Group at http://www.dimontegroup.com
Jim TeDesco
Computer Aided Technology, Inc.