Restarting Printer and Host Machine
Restarting Printer and Host Machine
Generally one of our first troubleshooting steps in order to fix a software issue on the machine is to restart the host and embedded machines. Please follow the steps below in order to perform this task.
- Navigate to the embedded computer inside the printer. You can tell that you are on the embedded computer because you can see a picture of the printer as the desktop background. If you are not on the embedded computer, press scroll lock twice, then enter. This should bring you over to the embedded computer.
- Exit the objet backend software by clicking the X in the top right corner.
- Go to Start > Shutdown on the embedded computer and shut the computer down.
- Wait for the screen to show “It is now safe to power down your computer”, and then power the printer down by flipping the switch on the back.
- Go to the host machine by pressing scroll lock twice, and then enter on the keyboard.
- Go to Start > Shutdown > Restart on the host machine and restart the computer.
- Power on the printer.
- Make sure that the backend printer software is open. If the software is not open, there will be connectivity issues when trying to connect with objet studio.
- On the host machine, open objet studio. You should be connected to the printer and ready to go.