SOLIDWORKS Configuration Advanced Options
When I change my SolidWorks configuration, I lose my mates!!!
I recently received a couple of tech support calls regarding the same issue. There were several other calls as well regarding configurations losing mates. Both of the customers I talked to said "When I change my configuration, I lose all of my mates!" Since I got both of these calls within a couple of hours of each other, I thought it would be a good idea to post this as a blog article. This is caused by an option in the configuration properties when you create a configuration. What is probably happening is the option in the configuration properties is turned on.
What happens when this option is checked is that any new feature and/or mate will be suppressed when a new configuration is created. When you create that new configuration, the mates will all be suppressed and your parts will start flying all over the place. You may also want to check your templates to make sure this is not checked. You can also change an existing configuration by right mouse clicking on the configuration name and select Properties.
Once the option is cleared, you can add any component or mate and not have to worry about the mates being suppressed in the new configuration.
This is a pretty short blog article but based on the questions we have received recently, I think this can help you avoid a few head scratchers.