SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 9 – Multi-Body
In this section we will be discussing the Multi-Body section for costing.
Multi-Body parts work using the same process as a single body. With a multi-body part, you have an option for a Multi-body template. When applying Costing to multi-body parts, to improve performance, you can perform a cost estimate on one body, rather than the entire part.
Body list: Lists the bodies in the multi-body part. The type of body determines the Costing template that is referenced in the cost estimation. Costing automatically recognizes sheet metal bodies. You must assign the type of body for the other types of bodies in the part.
Type of body: Determines the Costing template that is referenced in the cost estimation for each body type. Sheet metal bodies are automatically recognized. You must assign the type of body for the other types of bodies in the part. Select one of the following for the selected body:
General is any body that is not sheet metal or a structural member.
Sheet Metal
Specifies a sheet metal body. Sheet metal parts are recognized automatically.
Structural Member
Specifies a structural member. Structural members are recognized automatically.
Custom/Removed Material
Specifies a custom cost for the selected body. Type the custom cost in Custom Cost under Operation Options. The Costing tool does not compute the cost of custom bodies.
Multi-body part can be used to determine the removal of material in a part.
You can assign operation costs to bodies that define the removed material. Alternatively, you can assign a cost per volume removed. For example, you can compute the cost of post manufacturing operations on cast parts by assigning operation costs to the bodies.
Under Body List, select the bodies to assign a custom operation to.
For Type of body, select Custom/Removed Material.
Under Operation Options, select Custom operation and select a drill, turn, or mill operation.
The selected machining template assigns the drilling, turning, or milling costs.
Apply cost per volume to the bodies: Under Body List, select the bodies to assign the custom cost per unit volume to. For Type of body, select Custom/Removed Material.
Under Operation Options, select Custom cost per volume and enter a value.
You can assign different costs per volume for different sets of bodies in a multi-body part.
After completing the Costing setup for all of the bodies, you can begin or update the cost estimation.
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 1 – Overview (Bryan Pawlak 6/23/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 2 – How Costing Works (John Van Engen 6/24/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 3 – Options (Blake Cokinis 6/25/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 4 – Templates (Bob McGaughey 6/26/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 5 – Task Pane, Manager, & Sensors (Neil Bucalo 6/29/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 6 – Sheet Metal Costing (Bryan Pawlak 7/29/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 7 – Weldment Costing (George Brañes 7/30/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 8 – Machining Costing (John Van Engen 8/3/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 9 – Multi-body Costing (Blake Cokinis 8/4/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 10 – Reports, AddingRemoving Info, Limited Access Templates (Neil Bucalo 8/5/15)
Blake Cokinis, CSWE