Top 5 Tasks with Collaborative Business Innovator
You’re in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform for the first time and you open up the compass. As you look around, you notice “My Roles” along the left. So, you expand it. Inside, there is this role that says “Collaborative Business Innovator”. Naturally, you’re curious and click that as well. Suddenly, you see that looks like the image on the left.
“Okay, but what can I do with this?”
That’s what we’ll talk about today. Let’s go through the top 5 tasks you can do with the help of the Collaborative Business Innovator role.
1. Easily Share Ideas with Others
Can you imagine a world where you create a design and then use a completely separate tool to share the design with someone else? You can? That’s how we approach sharing ideas today and it leads to potential hazards. For example, how many times have you seen something like this:
“Hey Nick, did you see my email yesterday regarding the progress on XYZ Company?”
Now imagine a world where you can share it directly to other users while using the same platform. Think about it, no more sending a (somehow broken) link for file in a shared location. No more dealing with emailing a zip file, only to have it blocked by the email servers. 3DSwym opens the door to instant feedback on anything from designs to documents. Use it as your internal version of Twitter to message with different users and get results faster. Or, create a community for your customers to make it easy to interact with them and stay engaged. That’s one thing we’ve done at CATI. We created a CATI 3DEXPERIENCE User Group that’s available for any of our customers to join.
2. Store Your Files in an Easy to Find Location
It’s easy to lose files when you don’t store them in a shared location. We’ve all seen it – I start creating a document and save it to my desktop. If you’re using SOLIDWORKS PDM, you might have the file kept as a <Local File> before sharing it with everyone. Some might use SharePoint, a great tool for sharing files. That’s how you can think of 3DDrive.
3DDrive acts as a personal location for your files on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. Quickly save files to 3DDrive and share them with other just by clicking Add Members. You’re team can be sure to access the latest files because they’re seeing the same files as you.
3. Create Personalized Dashboards
Every day, I need four things open all the time. I need my email, my instant message tool, a web browser, and something to take notes. Unless I have four screens (I do not), I’m constantly jumping back and forth. Just writing this blog I’ve minimized the browser dozens of times! With the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, everything you need is at your fingertips right when you need it. Personalized Dashboards let you decide what information is important for you to do your job and organize it how you need.
What really makes Dashboards an amazing tool is the flexibility. That dashboard is my default, everyday dashboard, but it doesn’t server every purpose I could imagine. For working on a project with my colleagues, I want a way to track metrics and make sure we’re on track. Additionally, I need to keep up with latest trends. For that, I can set up a dashboard and include the Metrics Reader as well as the Feed Reader. Collaborative Business Innovator opens the door to a centralized location where you can consume any piece of information you need whenever you need it.
4. Keep and Share Meeting Notes
We take notes when something is important. Sometimes it’s something simple, like noting your next doctor visit. Other times, you’re taking detailed notes about a conversation with a potential customer. Whatever the topic, having a standard location to keep notes in an organization makes a huge impact. Web Notes is the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform’s alternative to pen and paper. You give each section a title and just start typing.
Not only can I pin this to my dashboard for easy access, but I can also share my notes with other users. The goal of the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform is collaboration. With the Web Notes app, it’s easy to share your thoughts and ideas with other users.
5. Create A Presentation
The most popular tool out there for creating a presentation has to be Microsoft PowerPoint. It’s versatile, powerful, and easy to use. But PowerPoint needs to look out because 3DStory is the perfect tool for telling a story on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. With easy to use templates, you can get a jump on the presentation.
What I think I appreciate the most with 3DStory is how you can embed different documents into the presentation. 3DDrive and 3DSpace act as the home for your files on the Platform while 3DStory accesses those homes. With just a few clicks, you can embed 3D models directly into the presentation. How cool is it that I can talk about a new concept for my product and then show the product manager exactly what I’m thinking of? No more saving files locally and jumping between a presentation and another screen. Instead, everything stays in front of you, keeping the focus on the presentation.
Final Thoughts
The Collaborative Business Innovator role is the first part of your 3DEXPERIENCE Foundation. With it, we can easily keep in touch with others, create mesmerizing presentations, and store our files in a single location. Ultimately, what the role lets you do is begin your journey on the Platform. Tools like Dashboards and 3DDrive are fundamental to how you use 3DEXPERIENCE. By getting started with a few key tasks, you’re well on your way to building a strong foundation.