Top Five Reasons to Integrate 3D Printing in Your Product Development Cycle - Part 4

4. Improve customer satisfaction

3D printing can help improve satisfaction for both internal and external customers. Designers using 3D printing have the ability to quickly produce realistic prototypes for internal decision makers, as well as external clients. Having the ability to touch a real world concept, combined with testing functionality allows all constituents of the design and manufacturing process to make better product decisions.


The bottom line, 3D printing helps organizations get better products to market faster than ever before. “Frequently during a project, clients request design changes or wonder how particular changes may impact the overall aesthetic,” said Piet Meijs, Rietveld Architects. “Our Objet system lets us create a whole new model right away, and that wows the client every time.” “Now that we have it, we tend to use it for all our projects, and the feedback from our customers has been terrific. It’s pretty amazing to see someone’s face when you give them a real model that brings their idea to life. It really blows them away.” -Brian McLaughlin.

Learn more about 3D printing at

*Information provided by Objet, Ltd., Republished from Objet"s Top 5 Reasons to Integrate 3D Printing in Your Product Development Cycle White Paper.

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