What makes me qualified to post Redneck Workarounds
Like Adrian said in his original post for Redneck Workarounds Blog that he hails from the Deep South so that in itself makes him qualified to post to our blog but many people have asked what makes me qualified to post to this blog other than Adrian says I am the closest thing to a redneck north of the Mason Dixon Line.
For me I think that Adrian’s definition of a Redneck Workaround defines my way of life.
Redneck Workaround – A redneck workaround is spawned from a need for a creative, cost effective solution, or, an overwhelming bent toward laziness or some combination thereof.
Below is one of my most recent redneck workarounds and please check back as we will be posing some more of our personal Redneck Workarounds.
Auto Repair – This is one is the extreme of laziness and saving money. I had about a year ago a car that the ground wire going from the starter to the frame had corroded and broken away from the starter and this wire is necessary to be able to start the car. So to start the car I always had to take a passenger with me so that way I could open the hood and hold the wire to the starter and my passenger could turn the key for me. This went on for about 2 months before I finally broke down and bought a new starter and replaced it. After that the car ran great and I never had an issue again. Do not know why I did not just buy the replacement sooner other than I had a solution that worked.
Like I said Redneck Workarounds are a way of life for me and I have many other examples that I will share with you in the upcoming weeks.
Remember that it is easier, more adventuress and sometimes more dangerous to work with the tools at hand than to walk 15 feet to get the proper tool for the job.
Josh Altergott – CATI Support Team Leader