The New ABS-ESD7 Static Dissipative Plastic

The New ABS-ESD7 Static Dissipative PlasticStratasys has announced the new ABS-ESD7 static dissipative material.  If static charge can damage your products, impair their performance or even cause an explosion, try ABS-ESD7.

Ideal for protecting electronics from damage caused by electrostatic discharge (static shock), preventing fire and explosion (static spark) and preserving equipment (static cling), parts built with ABS-ESD7 will have a target surface resistance of 10^7 ohms and typically a range between 10^9 ohms to 10^6 ohms.


Break the bond between manufacturing tools and your products.

Fortus 400mc and 900mc 3D Production Systems can now use ABS-ESD7 to quickly and inexpensively produce static dissipative jigs, fixtures and functional prototypes.

The New ABS-ESD7 Static Dissipative PlasticDownload the material specs Have More Questions?  E-Mail Our Engineers.


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