Stratasys SUP706 Soluble Support Material

Building polyjet parts with internal cavities and very fine detail could be difficult to clean with the pressure from your water jet.  Not anymore!  Stratasys has a soluble support for all triple-jetting polyjet systems.  The SUP706 support material works with all polyjet materials.  The ability to use the SUP706 will give you freedom to design intricate, delicate and multi-material parts that can be easily cleaned.  

The SUP706 support material can be removed from your parts by using the following methods.  Hands-free -just drop in the cleaning solution tank, Semi-manual – quick manual support removal then place in the cleaning solution tank and finally Water-jet for most support removal then place your part in the cleaning solution tank.  I'm sure by now you are saying to yourself this is great but how long does it take.  Well, if you have ever used an FDM machine the process is similar.  Support removal depends on part geometry.  Obviously a cube with hundreds of holes will take loner than a tube with a 1/4" I.D.   As you can see the SUP706 will lower your labor cost.  You could place a part in the cleaning tank, go home and it will be clean and ready for you in the morning. Just a quick rinse and away you go!!


Q: Do I need to upgrade my printer or software to accept SUP706?

A: Yes.  Customer service will install a software upgrade, on-site, to implement SUP706 for all triple-jetting systems.

Q: Will Stratasys stop selling SUP705?

A: Not at this time.  This decision will be based on market adoption of SUP706 and the ability to use it on legacy systems.

Q: Is SUP706 available for desktop printers?

A: No, not at this time

Q: Do I need to purchase a cleaning station?  If so, which one?

A: Yes,  Model DT3 will work for the 260 platform and Model CSII will work for the 350 & 500 platforms.


 Please review the parts below along with a short video to see if SUP706 is a material you need to use.









Thank you,

Derek Ellis

Application Engineer


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