GrabCAD Print Version 1.37 Released

Build number released on 18 December 2019

The latest GrabCAD Print release is short; but packed with powerful enhancements for PolyJet 3D Printing. It’s also the last release supported on Windows 7.

General Changes/Improvements:

  • Traveler Document for Manufacturing Notes: It is now possible to preview and create a PDF traveler document containing the manufacturing notes and screenshots of the models for the currently active tray.  To use this feature, select the part, click the right mouse button and from the pop-up menu select “Add Note to body(s)”.  After adding notes, select the Manufacturing Notes icon and select Export Notes.  Then you can select Export PDF.

, GrabCAD Print Version 1.37 Released

, GrabCAD Print Version 1.37 Released

PolyJet Changes/Improvements:

  • New PolyJet Print Setting for Post-Processing:  Add a thin layer of transparent material for post-printing polishing. Polishing the transparent layer results in a model with a smooth surface and high-fidelity colors and textures. Note: To use this feature you must enable the advanced slicer in the preferences menu and select Matte finish in the Model Settings.

, GrabCAD Print Version 1.37 Released

  • Delayed Start with Advanced Slicer: The delayed start feature for PolyJet printers that was introduced in version 1.20 is now supported by the PolyJet Advanced Slicer.

Watch the GrabCAD Print 1.37 video here.

Also, DON’T FORGET!! This release is the FINAL release supported on Windows 7. After January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or support for PCs running Windows 7.

What this means:

  • Stratasys will stop providing software updates for GrabCAD Print on Windows 7.
  • We will no longer ensure that GrabCAD Print works on Windows 7.
  • We won’t be able to offer support for operational issues involving Windows 7 after this release.

Mark Abshire
Application Engineer, Additive Manufacturing
Computer Aided Technology, LLC

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