Objet Head Filling calibration and Error Trouble Shooting
Your Objet Desktop can display an error related to heads filling while it is printing. This can be due to numerous thing but most commonly they are from the machine being out of calibration.First thing that should be done is to make sure your load cells are in calibration and try to print again. If the error repeats then move on to doing the heads filling calibration.
For more information on the load cell calibration you can access it from this link.
To perform a heads filling calibration just follow along these steps and it may help eliminate your error. This is a self-running and calibrating wizard so once its start you just need to wait about 20-25 minutes and then close it out after it finishes. First we need to get the machine into maintenance mode which you do by the following.
Open the Objet software on the printer. Move cursor to lower right corner of screen so you cannot see it any more, press the Ctrl+Alt+M buttons at the same time. A warning box will pop up and all you need to do is hit enter, do not move the mouse or the option list may not appear. You should now see along the top of the software File Options Maintenance Help along the top. If you do not see it, just try it again it will come up as long as the mouse if off the screen and not moved.
When you can get into maintenance go to wizards > heads filling calibration
Start the wizard
It then heat up, then purge the current material from the block and heads
You will notice once its emptied the display will show the liquid level as empty
It will then stabilize, refill, and purge a few more times.
Once its done with its final stabilization it will do a few purges, wipe, home all the axis, and be ready to close the wizard out.