Import and Export Tool Data In SOLIDWORKS CAM and CAMWorks
In SOLIDWORKS CAM and CAMWorks you have the ability to import and export tool data from your Technology Database (TechDB) with the use of Excel.
One example, you can easily export your existing tool data from your TechDB into an excel file format for mass editing. Once you have made the desired edits to your tool data while in Excel. You can then import the Excel.csv file format back in to your TechDB.
Default locations for the TechDB for SOLIDWORKS CAM and CAMWorks
For CAMWorks: C:CAMWorksDataCAMWorks2020x64TechDBTechDB.cwdb
(NOTE: You may find this under CAM Options > File Locations Tab > TechDB Location)
One way to access the TechDB Tools > SOLIDWORKS CAM > Technology Database.
Export and Import tool data process under Milling and with End Mill tools
Open the SOLIDWORKS CAM or CAMWorks Technology Database.
Select Mill Tooling.
Select Flat End Mill, under Cutters, End Mill.
Select the gear/down arrow in the upper right corner of the End Mill table.
Select Export – CSV, to export Flat End Mill tool data out into Excel format file for faster and easier editing.
Once you have made the desired changes to the tool data and saved the Excel.csv file for the Flat End Mill tool data, go back to the Technology Database. Select Import – CSV to import the updated Flat End Mill tool data into the Technology Database.
You will be prompted to one of the following options:
Update existing tools (Data of all or selected rows will be updated) – will import to your existing TechDB, any selected tool rows that have the selected checkmark to the left of each tool.
Append (All or selected rows will get added to the existing tools) – will import the selected rows to be added to the existing tools to your existing TechDB.
Delete all existing and add (All existing tools will be deleted before importing tools) – will delete all existing tool data before importing all the tool data from the Excel.csv file your existing TechDB.
You can also have the option to import tool data from Harvey Tool and Helical Tool into your existing TechDB.
NOTE: I would recommend creating a back-up of your current TechDB before you begin importing and/or exporting tool data in and out of your existing TechDB.
Don Glaske
Manager, Manufacturing Solutions
Computer Aided Technology