SmarTeam Pro/E Integration (SPI) 4.0 released
SmarTeam Pro/Engineer Integration (SPI) 4.0 is released
- Support of ENOVIA SmarTeam V5 R18
- Ability to configure the user specific SPI menu
- Ability to configure SPI Session to pasive mode
- Menu options “Release” and “New Release” available also in SPI Session menu
- Extended options to manage the Family Table instances
- SPI Session has a new information tab “Family Table” to see teh structure of the table
- New configuration option to show only used instances in SPI Session main view
- New extension of Verify All Instance option to verify only active’s document instances
- New configuration option to synchronize attributes back to Pro\ENGINEER after Add the document to SmarTeam
- Ability to manage the behaviour the SPI Design Editor to Pro/ENGINEER session
- Ability to manage used revision of the linked document in SPI Design Editor
The SPI Integration provides a link to SmarTeam embedded in the Pro/Engineer session. See screenshots below. Questions: visit InFlow Technology