SOLIDWORKS 2015 What’s New – Flattening Surfaces
The new release of SOLIDWORKS 2015 is just a few weeks away and here at CATI the Tech Team is excited for this release. To kick off this series we wanted to lead with a new feature that really caught our attention.
Did you know that SOLIDWORKS Premium can flatten a surface?
Yes, that was our reaction too! Sweet!
Now in 2015, SOLIDWORKS has introduced the capability to flatten a surface model. Previously this function was only available using the sheet metal tools, and that was not practical for all applications.
The flatten function will be found on the Surfaces toolbar, or under Tools, Surfaces, Flatten. In the dialog box you will select the surface(s) to be flattened and a vertex to flatten about. You cannot flatten any surfaces that have holes or other internal geometry. SOLIDOWORKS will also calculate the stresses generated to show where the material would be stressed or compressed.
This is just the first of many great new enhancements that are coming with SOLIDWORKS 2015.
Please check back every day as we will be releasing articles twice a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. We will continue to explore all aspects of SOLIDWORKS from part, assembly, and drawing tools to the new features in the SOLIDWORKS family of tools like Simulation, EPDM, SOLIDWORKS Electrical, and SOLIDWORKS Plastics.
For those of you who are looking to follow this series of articles we will be tagging them under the category of SOLIDWORKS What's New.
Bryan Pawlak
Sr. Application Engineer