SOLIDWORKS 2016 Interface Colors
The colors are coming!
The colors are coming!
The colors are coming!
Ever since beta 2016 was released we have heard the complaints. Some people love the new interface change, but…….
The community has spoken and SOLIDWORKS has heard you. You HATE the new interface color scheme!
Be patient, because there is an option coming in service pack 3 (which should be out toward the end of April) that will allow you to toggle back to the old color scheme for the main icons. (Maybe not all).
For the 1, 2, 3, 4, ……….75, 76, 77, ,……….500, 501….…people that love the new changes, that is not going away either.
So please stop the hate mail and the angry phone calls! That will not make service pack 3 release any sooner.
Bryan Pawlak, CSWE
Sr. Application Engineer