Stratasys: New SUP706 Soluble Support Material

Why Stratasys’ New SUP706 Soluble Support Material Is Ideal for Intricate Parts

Stratasys recently introduced SUP706 soluble support material for PolyJet parts.  The Stratasys Blog sat down with David Tulipman, Product Marketing Director of PolyJet Materials, to discuss the benefits and applications.

Stratasys Blog: What is SUP706?

David:  SUP 706 is the first multi-functional support that we are introducing to enhance the portfolio of PolyJet materials. It is enabling customers to have a choice of support removal options for any PolyJet part they 3D print. They can do it with traditional process they have been using up till now, for example by WaterJet, but much faster because the support material is softer. And what’s more important is that it is a completely soluble support, so they can remove support with hands-free operation.

Stratasys Blog: What does this enable you to do?  What applications will it benefit?

David: First of all, it is fulfilling a market requirement based on two aspects: 1) productivity 2) it enables printing of much more delicate and complicated designs. So by introducing the soluble support, we are expanding design freedom for our customers.


Stratasys’ David Tulipman holding an intricate 3D printed architectural model produced with PolyJet material and SUP706 soluble support.

Stratasys Blog: Are there specific applications where you would need more intricacy in your design?

David: Yes, there are applications like architecture, electronic product prototypes, fashion and design, including jewelry. Also parts with internal cavities, such as perfume bottles, and batches of many small parts. Before soluble support, to clean small parts you would have to clean them one by one. With SUP706 you can put them all in the cleaning solution and do them all at once.

Stratasys Blog: How much time would a user save with SUP706?

David:  This depends on the geometry of the design, but we are expecting big improvements in productivity, as evidenced by our beta testing with several customers worldwide.  If you combine the manual peeling, the WaterJet and the final soaking stage, then you really get the ultimate cleaning process.


Some examples of Stratasys 3D printed PolyJet parts that can benefit from SUP706 soluble support removal.

Stratasys Blog: what is required to implement SUP706 and which 3D printers does SUP706 work with?

David:  It is available for Objet 260/350/500 Connex 1,2,3 and requires a software upgrade. I recommend that our customers consult with their local Stratasys representative to get details about the implementation process for each 3D printer.

Stratasys Blog: Does it require special equipment to work?

David: We recommend and offer two models of cleaning stations (for the dissolving stage) that are optimized for SUP706 removal.  We also recommend and offer a WaterJet device to customers who don’t yet have one.


Read full article here.

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