What’s New – 3DEXPERIENCE R2021x FD07 Highlights
3D Creator
Dynamic Dimension Entry
The entry of dimension as you sketch has been enhanced for a smoother user experience with a more refined look and feel and more predictable locations for dimension placement.
Part Supply Downloads
Users can now search for off the shelf components and drag and drop them directly in the xDesign UI by search through the PartSupply library.
Lean Team Player
6WTags are great for filtering data in searches and other widgets on your dashboards. Now while in a meeting you can filter items, actions, & problems using the 6Wtags to reduce any potential board clutter and give focus to a conversation.
Pass control
Meetings are very important, but sometimes things happen. In the past if the meeting host had to leave for some unforeseen reason you’d have no way to control the meeting going forward until it ended. Now you can pass control to another member of the team allowing the meeting to continue with no time lost.
These are just a few of the new features added in FD07 of 3D EXPERIENCE 2021x. If you’d like to know more please let us know.
Bob McGaughey, CSWE
Emerging Products Team
Computer Aided Technology
What is Design Innovation Month?
DESIGN INNOVATION MONTH 2021 – Live Events, Webinars, Virtual Showroom, Contests
Design Innovation Month is CATI’s massive “What’s New in 2022” event for SOLIDWORKS, 3DEXPERIENCE, and 3D printing & 3D scanning technology. That’s six weeks of in-person events, live and on-demand webinars, demonstrations, in-depth blog posts, and prizes! Best of all, it’s free of charge! Check the DI Month Hub for all the details and to sign up for your nearest live event.