Dimension Printers Available at Reduced Price

While I realize that its usually us gals who enjoy a decent sale, I can’t help but to believe that all of you will take some serious interest in the following.

Last week Dimension announced that they have several Demo/Tradeshow units now available at a significantly reduced price. (Imagine Black Friday one month early and only for printers.)

How significant you ask? Significant enough to get this girl excited and in this economy that’s saying a lot.

Right now you have a shot at the following, but remember, these aren’t going to last for long so I strongly encourage you to call your sales rep immediately if you are thinking of making a purchase in 2009.

uPrint Personal Printer – $11,920
BST 768 – $14,000
BST1200ES – $15,120
SST1200ES – $26,320
Elite – $23,920

Happy shopping!

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