How Video Cards Can Effect SOLIDWORKS Performance

CATI's monthly contribution to the SOLIDWORKS Blog was posted a couple of weeks ago. Last month, after getting back from SOLIDWORKS World, we decided to talk about our most recent round of SOLIDWORKS Performance testing. In this last round of testing we took a long look at video cards and how they interact with SOLIDWORKS.

SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks

(For out testing we used NVIDIA's K600, K2200, and K4200 cards)

To find out more about the interaction between SOLIDWORKS and video cards we had to move away from our standard testing where we look at the time to complete a set of actions within SOLIDWORKS. For the video testing we needed to look at Frames Per Second and the overall user experience of how a model responds and feels as it moves and rotates on the screen.

We found a lot of interesting data in our testing and to view the entire article please go to:

For a complete copy of all of our findings on SOLIDWORKS Performance with Hardware and Modeling Methodology please go to:


Josh Altergott

CATI Support Manager

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