A Certification For Your Resume

Certifications are a good thing. They help distinguish you from your peers, plus if you learn a little while you prepare, your company gets a nice benefit as well. DriveWorksXpress has a certification process that is free to all SOLIDWORKS users and is designed to improve your SOLIDWORKS skills and make your engineering résumé stand out from the crowd.

This year at SOLIDWORKS World, I was introduced to the new certification -“Certified DriveWorksXpress Associate“. Chris Cassettari from DriveWorks was leading a hands on session where the goal was to get all attendees through a DriveWorksXpress tutorial. The models created during the tutorial could then be used for the DriveWorksXpress certification test. I was a bit pessimistic at first, many hands-on presentations I have attended in the past fall apart pretty quickly if the subject matter gets very complex -but Chris was very patient and the models were easy to understand. By the end of the session, I think everyone had some pretty sweet SOLIDWORKS models that they could manipulate through DriveWorksXpress! All they had left to do is go online, correctly answer some questions, and their certifications were emailed to them.

Since most of you reading probably weren’t in the hands on session, all is not lost, you can still become certified. It just takes 3 Steps, 3 Hours.


Step1     Step2     Step3

Follow a tutorial


Complete the certification


Continue your learning

Download and complete the DriveWorksXpress Training Tutorial.

It’s easy to follow and there are lots of free resources to enhance your learning and grow your skills.


Follow the DriveWorks Certification Brief, then answer 17 multiple choice and accuracy based questions online.

You’ll find out immediately if you’ve passed and your certificate will be emailed to you automatically!


On completion of the Certification you will join a global community of DriveWorks and SOLIDWORKS engineers.

Continue your learning by downloading sample projects and following more tutorials to expand your DriveWorks knowledge.

Learn more and collect the booty here: http://www.driveworksxpresscertification.com

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