Capone used Enterprise to track his stockroom

Geraldo continues…

“Welcome back from our break. Today we find ourselves in Al Capone’s server room across the street from where the Lexington Hotel once stood, examining Al Capone’s Enterprise Vault, seen Tuesdays on ABC 9:00 Eastern, 8:00 Central. It appears Al had an item card created especially for his stocked items as well, here is their item card.”


“I am sure it was very helpful to his designers to know what was available on hand. Though I notice there are many versions of each of these items, this must be due to the fact that the users had to check in/out the card every time the stock room quantities changed.  Seems a little bit wasteful doesn’t it Engineering Datra Specialist man?”

Yeah Geraldo, it would be nice if we had a special control that could be modified without checking the item in and out over and over…like a control directly connected to a database value. This is an enhancement request I have sent in several times now. However, since items are only a record in a database, checking the item in and out over and over is a small price to pay considering Al was able to get control over his stock room with a tool he already owned because it was included in his PDM system.

Geraldo? Where did you go? There is one more tab on this item card… Geraldo?!

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