SOLIDWORKS: Create Solids Quicker Than Ever

One of the many enhancements in SOLIDWORKS 2016 is a new way to convert surfaces to solids even quicker than before.  Previously, once multiple surfaces were trimmed together, a “Thicken” command was required to convert the remaining surface to a solid.  That second step has been eliminated.

We start with a complete group of surfaces.


Once they have been created, the "Trim Surfaces" command should be used.  See the previous blog "SOLIDWORKS 2016 What's New – Dynamic Preview for Intersect and Mutual Trim – #SW2016" for other aspects of the trim command.

  Trim command

Once the unnecessary parts of the surfaces have been eliminated, the option at the bottom of “Create solid” is now available.

Create solid

This will make surface modeling even faster!

Chad Whitbeck, CSWP

Applications Engineer, CATI

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