Imported Files – Turning Surfaces into Solids in SolidWorks

CATI's monthly contribution to the SOLIDWORKS Blog will posted later this week. This month I to look at the challenges that we can run across when working with imported files in SolidWorks. The article starts off by taking about the problems we face in working with an imported model. It then takes you through the different processes for turning your imported surface model into a working solid model.

The file that I chose to work with was an assembly that when imported into SOLIDWORKS opened as a part file by setting some of the import options and was 697 surfaces. The end solution we were able to reduce the overall number of surfaces in the model that is made up of a single or multiple Solid Bodies.

With the reward being the time it will save you later in the design process of not having to wait around for your drawing or assembly to open or rebuild a part made entirely of surfaces.


To view the article use the link below.

Josh Altergott

Support Manager

Computer Aided Technology, Inc.

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