SOLIDWORKS 2018 - SOLIDWORKS CAM - Adding Material
Since the release of SOLIDWORKS 2018 with the addition of SOLIDWORKS CAM powered by CAMWorks six months ago, Computer Aided Technology and SOLIDWORKS Technicians have been working overtime to catch up on the new technology, along with users setting up to switch over to become full time users.
Today’s subject is about adding material to enable selection in the stock manager
After selecting the pull down from the Stock Manager, the Material you are programming is not included in the list, How Do You Add Material to the Library? (Today’s example is RYCUT)
Open the Technology Database from the Command Manager
From the left column select Feed / Speed Icon.
From the Feed / Speed Menu select Feed / Speed Editor.
This will open the Micro Estimating Material Library Splash table, select the Install Tab.
Scroll down to the Material you would like to add, (Today’s example is RYCUT)
Click the checkbox by Rycut, then select the Folder Icon from the menu to update to the Material List Library.
You can now close the Micro Estimating Material Library, file close.
From the same Feeds / Speeds Menu select Update Tool Material Data.
After selecting, the Library file will start updating. Be patient because it’s not just adding the new Material, but rebuilding all of the database.
Select OK.
Material Update completed, to check go to the Stock Manager.
Select the Material pull down to check to ensure the update completed.
If the Material Database didn’t update as expected please check to ensure you have Administration rights to the folder location below.
Stock Material Update
STOCK MATERIAL Missing from the List, What’s Next.
As of today, there is no process for adding new Material to the selection list. However, there is an enhancement request, SPR 1037930, for this exact process. If you would like to add your email address in support of this enhancement please let Technical Support know. Your support will help push this closer to the Top of the enhancement list.
We hope this series has given you an insight on how to successfully add materials to your Library Database and Stock Manager. Please check back to the CATI Blog as the Dedicated Support Team will continue posting new series of articles every month that go further into the details of many of the SOLIDWORKS tools. All of these articles will be stored in the category of Daily Dose…..of SolidWorks Support and links to each article in this series will be added below once they are released.
Ronnie Flaugh
CATI Support Engineer
Computer Aided Technology, Inc