SOLIDWORKS 2022 What’s New – Cosmetic Threads
Cosmetic threads have improved in both appearance and usability within SOLIDWORKS 2022. First, let us start with appearance. When applying the cosmetic thread to a part, any appearance or texture that you applied to that same part, will also appear between the cosmetic threads themselves. See the before and after images below to see the improvement to the thread’s appearance. And, to take it a step further, these Cosmetic Threads are also now supported in SOLIDWORKS Visualize.
The behavior of cosmetic threads in SOLIDWORKS has also changed in 2022. Cosmetic threads are now owned by the latest feature in the FeatureManager design tree whose face shares the common edge selected for attaching the thread. In the image below, you will see how in 2022, after creating a cut, chamfer, and cosmetic thread from the chamfer edge, the chamfer now owns the cosmetic thread feature.
Note: These enhancements only apply to new parts created in SOLIDWORKS 2022. If you want to upgrade legacy parts, you will have to right click on the part and select ‘Upgrade Cosmetic Thread Features’.
I hope this part of the What’s New series gives you a better understanding of the new features and functions of SOLIDWORKS 2022. Please check back to the CATI Blog as the CATI Application Engineers will continue to break down many of the new items in SOLIDWORKS 2022. All these articles will be stored in the category of “SOLIDWORKS What’s New.”
Ken LaVictor
Sr. Application Engineer
Computer Aided Technology
What is Design Innovation Month?
DESIGN INNOVATION MONTH 2021 – Live Events, Webinars, Virtual Showroom, Contests
Design Innovation Month is CATI’s massive “What’s New in 2022” event for SOLIDWORKS, 3DEXPERIENCE, and 3D printing & 3D scanning technology. That’s six weeks of in-person events, live and on-demand webinars, demonstrations, in-depth blog posts, and prizes! Best of all, it’s free of charge! Check the DI Month Hub for all the details and to sign up for your nearest live event.