SOLIDWORKS Composer makes 2D and 3D technical communication easy and up to date
SOLIDWORKS Composer makes 2D and 3D technical communication easy and up to date
Companies put a significant amount of time and money into developing the products they sell. It is important for them to be assembled correctly and quickly, and to provide a good first impression with the end user. SOLIDWORKS Composer provides the tools to start creating product documentation earlier in the design process, keep it updated with design changes, and deliver it on time.
Enhance product communication and marketing materials: Having clean, easy to understand product graphics and product instructions can mean the difference in getting a sale from a customer. SOLIDWORKS Composer will allow you to demonstrate your products effectively, highlight key differentiators in your products clearly, and impress prospects with quick turnaround of updated instructions and animations. The tools in SOLIDWORKS Composer allow you to highlight areas of interest with detailed views, exploded views, interactive bills of materials, and parts lists in high-resolution 2D formats. You can also easily create 3D interactive animations and interfaces to create a realistic experience for training or marketing materials on a web site.
No CAD knowledge required: Simple intuitive tools help even nontechnical users leverage the existing 3D CAD data to create graphical content to clearly and effectively communicate assembly, maintenance, and usage of your products.
Reduce errors and get products to market faster: One of the best things about SOLIDWORKS Composer is that is associative back to the models in SOLIDWORKS. You can update any changes you make to the CAD models in all of the technical communication outputs that you have created. Changes pass from SOLIDWORKS, thru Composer, and out to pdfs, web pages, animations, etc. It is this associativity that will allow you to start the documentation earlier in the design process and update it when changes occur.
Check out some great examples of 2D Composer output here:
Contact your CATI sales representative for more information on getting started with SOLIDWORKS Composer!
Randy Simmons
Application Engineer
Computer Aided Technology