SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 4 - Templates
A few weeks back, I did a day of consulting with a customer on sheet metal costing and quoting. The following PDF, because this article was way too long, covers a summary of the processes we came up with to help determine the cost for quoting out the manufacture of client parts. With that said, everyone is different, but my hope is you can use this as a guide to begin down the trail of using this tool in SOLIDWORKS Professional.
We hope this series gives you some good insight to the SOLIDWORKS COSTING product. Please check back to the CATI Blogas the Dedicated Support Team will continue posting new articles to this series as we continue to dive deep into this topic. All of these articles will be stored in the category of Daily Dose…..of SOLIDWORKS Supportand links to each article with their release date are listed below:
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 1?Overview (Bryan Pawlak6/23/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 2 ? How Costing Works(John Van Engen6/24/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 3 ? Options(Blake Cokinis6/25/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 4?Templates(Bob McGaughey6/26/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 5 ? Task Pane, Manager, & Sensors(Neil Bucalo6/29/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 6 ? Sheet Metal Costing(Bryan Pawlak7/29/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 7 ? Weldment Costing(George Bra?es 7/30/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 8 ? Machining Costing(John Van Engen8/3/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 9 ? Multi-body Costing(Blake Cokinis 8/4/15)
- SOLIDWORKS Costing an in-depth Review Part 10 ? Reports, AddingRemoving Info, Limited Access Templates (Neil Bucalo 8/5/15)
Bob McGaughey
Computer Aided Technology