Start Search - Goneski

‘Twas the night after my EPDM 2010 upgrade and all through my house
not a peripheral was stirring not even my Logitech High Performance Laser mouse.

When I clicked upon my start menu what didn’t appear?
‘Twasn’t my EPDM Search button oh how the end seemed near!

I picked up the phone, so lively and quick
technical support I called -the loss of this function made me sick.

I banged my head and was making a frown
when the sad new that it was permanently gone came down.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear
but Engineering Data Specialist Man and eight tiny reindeer!

A bundle of batch files he had flung on his back
He looked like a genius opening his pack.

He spoke not a word and went straight to his work
and created this batch file and put it in the Taskbar with a jerk.


He sprang to his ’98 Escort reminding his team to not be late
and I heard his curse softly as his keys fell into the sewer grate.

But I heard him exclaim as he walked down the culdesac
“Turn in an enhancement request, maybe they will bring it back!”


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