User Right Chart for EPDM Version Visibility
The “Always work with latest version of files” and “Show working versions of files” user settings within SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM can get a bit confusing. Especially since different combinations of these two settings give different results.
Here is a chart showing how different combinations behave:
[ ] Show working versions of files
[ ] Always work with latest version of files
Users can see all versions of a file that have a revision value assigned. (Only revision files. Common setting for purchasing groups – they need to see only the past and current released versions.)
[X] Show working versions of files
[ ] Always work with latest version of files
Users can see all versions of a file. (Common for people who can create files within the vault.)
[X] Show working versions of files
[X] Always work with latest version of files
Users can only see the latest version of a file, regardless of revision status. (Commonly used in companies that do not use the revision feature in EPDM.)
[ ] Show working versions of files
[X] Always work with latest version of files
Users can see the latest version of a file that has a revision value assigned. (Only the latest revision. Common setting for manufacturing/assembly – people with view only capabilities.)