What’s (hopefully) New in SOLIDWORKS 2018!
The last day of SOLIDWORKS World is always my favorite. Many things get “revealed” that day… Where the next SOLIDWORKS World will be held, the user voted “Top 10” enhancement list, and my favorite section where they preview what will HOPEFULLY be NEW in SOLIDWORKS 2018! I have to say “hopefully” here, because anything listed below could be pulled from the final release if it isn’t operating up to the high quality standards of SOLIDWORKS.
Here are the items for 2018 that were revealed at SOLIDWORKS World this year!
Sketch Productivity:
- Mirror in a 3D Sketch
- Use planes as symmetry reference (mirroring) in 2D & 3D sketches
- Pen sketching (with smoothing and conversion to lines and arcs) on Windows touch screen devices!!!
Assembly Delighters:
- Welcome Screen that combines “File-New”, “Recent files”, “Home” area of task pane, and several other things into one “start” window
- Assembly Load Progress Bar
- Improved Performance Evaluation
- Expanded Mouse Gestures (more gesture positions availaible)
- ALT key to temporarily hide faces during mating
3D Interconnect:
- New Formats: STEP, IGES, ACIS, JT
- Support for Curves and Unconstrained Sketch import!!
- Read custom properties
Fabrication Delighters:
- Automated Tab & Slot self-fixturing feature
- Bi-directional communication between PDM and Revision Tables!!!
Assembly Performance:
- “Graphics only” component mode and ability to mix with Resolved components
- Mates between “graphics only” components
Generative Design:
- Goal Based Design
- Manufacturing Centric Constraints
- Feature Independent
Most of these are self explanatory, but others were a little vague even after seeing them.
Be sure to participate in the 2018 BETA program starting in the June-July timeframe to try out these and 200 or so other enhancements in 2018!